I'd like to share a story with you, a parable told by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Rebbe of Chabad:

In the days of old there was a king who had an only son, the apple of his eye. Once, the prince fell deathly ill, fighting for his life. The royal physicians prescribed an odd cure. If the king would take the largest crown jewel off his crown, grind it to dust, mix it with water and try to get the unconscious prince to swallow a few drops of this unlikely brew, only then would he have a chance to survive. Without thinking twice the king removed the precious gem to be ground; maybe, just maybe will it save his son.

This little story is the story of the precious gem of the Torah that G‑d gave every single Jew as a gift on Mt. Sinai. When G‑d gave us the Torah a great debate raged in heaven. The angels, hearing that G‑d would take his precious Torah and give it to mankind on earth, didn't want to hear of it. 'Leave the Torah in the heavens where it belongs!' they boomed. But G‑d, in his immense love for the Jewish people, insisted. Even though the Torah is G‑d's most precious gem, his crown jewel, he was willing to bring it down into this lowly world and bestow it to his children. He knew that for us to lead truly happy, meaningful, fulfilling lives we would need a guidebook.

In this week's Torah portion we continue reading the lengthy sermon that Moses gave the Jews before his passing, known as the book of Deuteronomy. We read of his continuous reminders of the beauty that a life lived according to the Torah brings. Of the gaping void that is left unfilled if one forgets about the mission we were given and lives a life of pursuing worldly pleasures only. Of the immense love that G‑d has for every Jew.

We have the Torah. We know what we need to do. Tefillin. Shabbat candles. Charity. Study. Every single Mitzva counts and is more precious to G‑d than we could ever imagine. What are we waiting for? G‑d is waiting. The world is waiting.

Rabbi Avrohom