
Just a little over a week ago most of us were sure that the winter was over and spring was setting in. With temperatures rising over 70 degrees for the first time since September, the long nights and cold days of winter seemed to be at a close. 

Who would've guessed?! Here we are with half the village out of power from two harsh winter storms within a week. Who'd have thought...?

With all the difficulties of losing power making it quite difficult to see anything positive in it, there is a small (but important!) lesson that can be learned from a power outage.

Many things in life are genuinely valuable and enjoyable, yet we simply don't take the time to enjoy them. Earlier today I saw a short motivational clip on maintaining the stamina to succeed. The last few words of the clip were 'don't rush, if you do you'll end up missing out on many of the very things that you need to succeed'.

Until the power goes out. Then the value of a simple thing like electricity comes to light.

If there's one glint of positivity to glean from a power outage, it's to enjoy the power when it's on. Same for the health we have, the family, home, friends, job, community, talents or any other thing we are blessed with. Don't wait for a power outage to remember the 'good old days'. Tomorrow's good old days are today, let's enjoy them.

Rabbi Avrohom