The 'Hayom Yom'
In 1943 the Rebbe published a small book called 'Hayom Yom (from day to day). It contains a small paragraph of' inspiration for every date on the Jewish calendar.
While we usually have a longer discussion about different topics in Jewish life on Fridays, today's will be short. It is the 'Hayom Yom' paragraph for today's Hebrew date, and it speaks about the advantage and unique quality of 'Chassidus' (Chassidic philosophy), and Torah study in general.
The message is so special and meaningful that I'll let it stand alone:
חסידות איז א ג-טליכער פארשטאנד, דער פארשטאנד וואס ווייזט דעם מענטשן ווי קליין ער איז, און ווי גרויס ער קען זיך דערהויבן
'Chassidic philosophy is Divine intelligence, an understanding which shows a person how small he/she is, and how great he/she can become.'
What a line. As people we all have our shortcomings, sure. But the wondrous heights which we can achieve in our time here on earth are truly incredible. The Torah and its Mitzvot are there to help us unleash that blissful power.
Rabbi Avrohom